Catch Unseen Fraud Faster. Reduce False Positives. Eliminate Friction for Trustworthy Users.

Build customer trust by collecting only the bare minimum—no PII, passwords, or unnecessary data—with NeuroID as your invisible first-line of defense against fraud.

NeuroID’s Account Defense solution uses device and network intelligence, combined with next-gen behavioral analytics, to detect the invisible markers left by your users’ data entry behavior, device, and network. This enables you to stop fraud faster at login, account management, and transaction stages, all without adding friction.

Stop Fraudsters Before They Strike

Scripting Attacks

Detect bot-like field-entry behavior—including behavior patterns typical of cracking attempts—and use device fingerprinting to identify repeated login attempts from the same device. Blacklist these bots, decline them immediately, or send them to manual reviews. (Read more about our bot detection.)

Account Takeover (ATO)

Record users’ unique data entry patterns with their login credentials, device, and network information. When a fraudster attempts an ATO, even their perfectly polished PII will immediately fail our data familiarity tests, ensuring only your true customers’ access their accounts.

Scams and Coercion

When a user makes an account change or transaction under coercion or as part of a scam, they’re often unfamiliar with the destination account or shipping address they enter. NeuroID conducts a real-time familiarity assessment and alerts you of any risk (e.g., unfamiliarity markers such as hesitancy, multiple corrections, slow typing speed).

Compromised Card or Bank Account Information

NeuroID behavioral signals track how familiar your users are with the billing address they’re entering as associated with the card. If they own the account, they should be very familiar with the information. If they show signs of unfamiliarity, it’s a near-certain indication that the account under attack.

Money Mules

NeuroID behavioral signals track how familiar your customer is with the billing or shipping address they enter. As they enter their information, NeuroID conducts a real-time, sub-millisecond familiarity assessment and alerts you of any risk (e.g., unfamiliarity markers such as hesitancy, multiple corrections, slow typing speed).

NeuroID Behavioral Analytics Deliver Unmatched Results


Reduce Friction

of users identified for bypass of additional data pulls


Detect More Fraud

dormant fraudster accounts detected


Improve User Experience

reduction in manual reviews


Save Costs

a year savings through accurate fraud detection and operational efficiencies

Read More About Account Defense from NeuroID Fraud Experts

Don’t Fall Behind the Fraudsters.

Integrate frictionless behavioral fraud intelligence that protects your entire user lifecycle, from a partner who understands your needs.